Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Christmas

I'll be departing Kabul soon, and be home for a little while shortly after that... in fact, I should make it home before Christmas (knock on wood) so long as nothing comes up to delay my travels.

After having been here 8 months, I can say I am ready to leave for a while. The personal restrictions, while (mostly) tolerable, will be great to get away from. Like being able to have a drink. Of beer. Or whiskey. Or even non-bottled water--water safe to drink straight from the tap!

On another note, why is it that contractors try to save $3 today when I warned them yesterday not to try it, and it's gonna cost them $10 tomorrow to fix it? When if they'd have just done it right the first time, it would have been loads cheaper than doing it wrong once and then having to tear it out and re-do it.

A certain Turkish Contractor, Z, tried to save a couple of thousand dollars by downsizing an electrical neutral line under a condition where doing that is 1) dangerous, 2) prohibited by contract, and 3) prohibited by the National Electrical Code.

Now, the certain contractor, Z, will have to remove the too-small conductor and order the correct wire and re-install the wire.

This isn't the first time, nor is Z the only contractor who tries to do this kind of thing.

On a happier note, Merry Christmas to all.


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